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The World’s First Air Charter Bidding Platform.

Accurate and Transparent Real-Time Pricing

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Real-time bidding

Brokers initiate the process by submitting their flight requests to the AeroBid platform. Operators then enter the real-time bidding auction.

New opportunities

Brokers discover charter providers in new regions, while operators market their aircraft to a broader network of customers & generate new business.

Full Transparency

Operators can see full broker details & only the bids of competing operators. Brokers can see full details of all participating operators.

Powerful platform

At the heart of the platform is a robust IT infrastructure developed using innovative technology. Developed by brokers & operators for brokers & operators.

Safety & Reliability

Registered users are vetted & verified to meet international compliance st&ards to ensure the security & safety of AeroBid’s direct customers. Operators must produce AOC certification.

AeroBid for Operators

Bid on live flight requests, generate, & win new leads & customers.

Instant Alerts: Get instant alerts about requested flights within your chosen airport, city, or region. Instant notifications are delivered via email & SMS with more coming soon.

Fill Empty Legs: Enjoy greater flexibility & unprecedented access to a wider customer base. The AeroBid marketplace makes it easier for you to sell your empty legs.

Smart Marketing: Upload your credentials & specifications & market your aircraft directly to brokers worldwide. Use your company profile to promote the unique selling points of your organisation.

Fair Competition: View other operator’s quotes anonymously & win the business by offering a competitive bid or a better match for a broker’s specific trip requirement.

Increased Market Awareness: Have a deeper understanding of market movements & trends within the private aviation industry by monitoring flight requests, airports, & regions.

Privacy & Discretion: The platform only allows operators to see competing bids without disclosing other identifying information of participating operators.

AeroBid for Brokers

Post your flight requests & see live bids from competing operators worldwide.

Real-time Pricing & Alerts: Competitive bidding between operators. Receive price quotes & new bids in real-time via your preferred communications channel, including email & SMS, with more coming soon.

Optimised Search: AeroBid notifies available operators that meet your specified aircraft & trip parameters. Operator credentials are displayed, showing you a fair price for the best available service anywhere, anytime.

Efficient Purchasing Process: In a time-critical industry, the AeroBid marketplace enables you to avoid lengthy negotiations & allows you to immediately compare the best offers from market participants.

Full Transparency: Select a charter provider based on value, not just on price. Access operators’ details anytime & align your company with an operator that best matches your business objectives & values.

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