Aviation Charities

Aviation Charities Directory

Search and find Aviation Charities from around the world on AvPay.
AvPay lets you donate to Aviation Charities in the UK, Europe, USA, North America, Asia, Africa, Australia & South America.
Contact Aviation Charities directly through their business profile on AvPay to organise events or see how you can help.

Aviation Charity Organisations

Showing 13–18 of 18 results

About Aviation Charities

The AvPay Aviation Charity Directory makes it easy to learn about each aviation charities' work, so that you can find a cause that matters to you. Each aviation charity profile contains an overview of each charity's mission along with a donation button, where you can place donations online.

Donate and help our partner Aviation Charities give opportunities for people to fly, work and award scholarships through Aviation.

Aviation Charities Directory AvPay


Aviation Charities FAQ

The main purpose of an aviation charity is to enhance the lives of the community. This could be through providing medical transportation and aid to remote areas in an emergency, supporting individuals to make a career in the aviation industry or preserving the heritage of aviation key achievements for future generations to see.

Fundraising for an aviation charity never stops. Whilst an emphasis may be in place during emergencies, aviation charities require constant funding.
