Aircraft Petrol, Oil & Lubricant (POL)

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Aircraft Oil: BP2380 from Execujet at Zurich International Airport
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Mobile 254 Aircraft Oil from Execujet at Zurich International Airport
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Aircraft Oil: BP2380 from Execujet at Zurich International Airport
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Aircraft Petrol, Oil & Lubricant (POL) For Sale on AvPay
AvPay has a range of Aircraft Petrol, Oil & Lubricant (POL) For Sale in the US, Europe, Australia, South Africa and throughout the world. Contact Aircraft POL Sellers directly on AvPay to compare prices through the Aviation Directories here:

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Aircraft Oil: BP2380 from Execujet at Zurich International Airport

Finding the right Aircraft Petrol and Oil for your engine is absolutely essential and it’ll pay dividends by reducing your maintenance and operating costs. You should consult the Aircraft Operating Handbook to make sure you purchase oil of the correct viscosity – if the oil you use is too thick, it’ll increase fluidal friction. One of the side-effects here is that you’ll burn through fuel a lot quicker than you should. If your oil is too thin, you could increase the wear on your engine as the lubricant film will not adequately protect your engine. You should change your engine oil on a regular basis, to remove contaminants from your engine oil. It’s advisable to change the oil filter when changing the oil. You should monitor your aircraft engine’s oil consumption after each flight, by checking the dip stick. If your aircraft engine is consuming oil at a rapid rate, it could be an indication that there’s an underlying issue that needs investigating by an aircraft mechanic, such as worn seals. Find your nearest Aircraft Maintenance Organisation, here: There are different types of aircraft fuel and most aircraft use either Jet A1 or AvGas. Jet A1 (formerly known as kerosene) is used to power turbine engines (such as jets and turboprops). Jet A1 fuel is coloured red, to help avoid mixing it up with other fuel types, such as AvGas. AvGas is typically used to fuel piston aircraft (such as single engine pistons and twin engine pistons), which require higher octane fuel. AvGas fuel is coloured blue. Since AvGas is relatively expensive, there’s an increasing shift towards alternate fuels such as MoGas and electric. Aircraft POL products can be bought online via the AvPay Flight Equipment Company Directory.