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AvPay has a range of Kitplanes for Aircraft Safari Microlights For Sale in the US, Europe, Australia, South Africa and throughout the world. Contact Microlight Sellers directly on AvPay to compare prices and specifications of Kitplanes for Aircraft Safari Microlights For Sale and arrange the purchase of a new or pre-owned Kitplanes for Aircraft Safari Microlight.

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The Kitplanes for Aircraft Safari is a popular kit-built aircraft that falls into the category of experimental, amateur-built, or homebuilt aircraft. The Safari is a two-seat, high-wing aircraft designed for recreational flying, bush flying, and backcountry operations. It is designed to handle rough terrain and unimproved landing strips, making it suitable for off-airport landings and remote locations. The Safari is a kit-built aircraft, meaning it is not available as a factory-assembled aircraft. Builders purchase a kit and construct the aircraft themselves. The aircraft is constructed using a combination of metal and composite materials, offering a balance of strength, durability, and weight savings. It has a rugged design, with features such as reinforced landing gear, high wing loading, and robust structure, enabling it to handle rough landings and challenging conditions. The Safari typically features large, high-lift wings, which provide excellent short takeoff and landing (STOL) capabilities, allowing it to operate from short and unimproved runways. The aircraft can be powered by a range of engines, including piston engines or turbine engines, depending on the builder’s preference and desired performance characteristics. The Safari offers a spacious cockpit with comfortable seating for two occupants, along with good visibility and easy access to controls and instruments. It is known for its versatility, with the ability to be configured for various missions, including recreational flying, wildlife surveys, aerial photography, and agricultural operations. The Kitplanes for Aircraft Safari can be customized and personalized by builders, allowing them to incorporate their preferred avionics, interior options, and other features. The Safari has gained popularity among aviation enthusiasts and adventurous pilots who enjoy exploring remote and challenging terrains with the capabilities offered by this type of aircraft. It is important to note that building and flying a kit-built aircraft requires knowledge, skills, and compliance with applicable regulations. Builders need to follow the instructions provided in the kit and adhere to aviation safety standards.