Gliding Clubs

Gliding Club Directory

Find Gliding Clubs from around the world on AvPay.
AvPay helps you find gliding clubs, associations & societies in the UK, Europe, USA, North America, Asia, Africa, Australia & South America.
Contact Gliding & Soaring Clubs directly through their business profile on AvPay to arrange your next flight.

Gliding Clubs

Showing 1–12 of 38 results

About Gliding Clubs

Do you want to try Gliding in a Sailplane or Glider? How about joining a Gliding Club, Gliding Centre, Gliding Association, Gliding Society, Soaring Club, Soaring Association or Soaring Center?

On AvPay you can find Gliding Clubs in your area and find-out which airfields they operate from. Book glider trial lessons, glider trial flights, gliding experiences, glider training, pay for glider launches, learn to fly gliders, learn to thermal soar and join a gliding club.

Gliding Club & Soaring Club Directory AvPay


Gliding Club FAQ

A gliding club is a collection of individuals who come together with a shared interest in gliders and gliding to share resources and help each other achieve their dream of flying. 

Weather is the main reason for not being able to glide. Winds over 30 mph, a low cloud base and heavy rain can all prevent a glider from launching. 
