Skydiving Clothing

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For those summer months when you want to feel the cooling breeze.
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South Yorkshire
Yorkshire & the Humber
An all round beginner’s FS suit, ideal for any new jumpers who are learning the basics of formation skydiving. Great for DZ skydiving clubs to keep on hand for their AFF students.
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Skydiving Clothing For Sale on AvPay
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Tunnel Pro White, Black & Blue Skydiving Suit

Wearing the correct clothing when skydiving is important for several reasons. Skydiving involves being exposed to various elements such as wind, temperature changes, and potential abrasion from equipment. Wearing appropriate clothing helps protect your body and minimize the risk of injury or discomfort during the jump. Properly fitted clothing can improve your aerodynamic profile during freefall, allowing you to maintain stability and control. Tight-fitting clothing reduces the risk of fabric catching the wind and causing instability or hindered movement. Skydiving can be an intense and physically demanding activity. Wearing comfortable clothing that fits well allows for a full range of motion and reduces distractions or discomfort that could affect your focus and performance. Certain types of skydiving equipment, such as harnesses and jumpsuits, require specific clothing to ensure proper fit and functionality. Wearing the correct clothing allows for a secure and reliable connection between you and the equipment, enhancing safety. Brightly coloured clothing or jumpsuits with visible patterns can help you stand out and be easily seen by other skydivers and ground personnel. This is especially important during group jumps or when landing in crowded drop zones. Depending on the climate and altitude, skydiving can expose you to varying temperatures and weather conditions. Wearing appropriate clothing layers, such as thermal base layers or wind-resistant outerwear, helps regulate body temperature and protects against the elements. In some cases, specific clothing or accessories may be required to indicate your experience level, training, or role during the jump. This helps organizers and fellow skydivers easily identify you and ensure appropriate protocols are followed. Remember to always follow the recommendations and guidelines provided by your skydiving instructor or the drop zone you are jumping at regarding appropriate clothing for skydiving. They will have specific requirements based on safety standards and local conditions to ensure a safe and enjoyable skydiving experience.