Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Platform Selection

Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Platform Selection

Air Bear will assist you in fielding a world class, yet affordable ISR platform that’s mission ready. Join the growing list of agencies achieving results proven in thousands of hours of field operations.

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Fielding an ISR platform is far more involved than selecting a favorite platform and installing surveillance equipment. Reality is that mission requirements determine surveillance and communications equipment, which in turn dictates payload requirements.

Adding payload requires additional aircraft capabilities, which usually translates into higher acquisition and operating costs. Tactical, endurance and operational requirements then must also be accounted for. All which must then fit within your acquisition and operational budgets – a daunting task. Assets sitting on the ramp without funds to fly don’t chalk up useful stats.
If you’re not in the air – you’re not there!

Assets must be in the air ready to respond at a moment’s notice to be effective. In doing so, they must address budgetary considerations in order to be available, every shift – every day.

Partner with Air Bear and allow us to help you avoid the pitfalls other agencies have encountered while we assist you in fielding a world class asset.