Elite Evolution S812 FNPT II Flight Simulator training

Elite Evolution S812 FNPT II Flight Simulator

The Algoa Flying Club is using a state of the art Elite Evolution S812 FNPT II flight simulator to help train its students – the first Elite FNPT II to be sold in Africa.

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The Elite S812 has been specially configured for easy conversion between the BE58 and the Cessna C172RG Cutlass advanced single engine aircraft, both aircraft forming part of the fleet AFC uses for training.

Our choice thus ensures an excellent transfer of learning from the simulated platform to the real aircraft. The incorporation of a sophisticated dynamic control load system ensures a control response and feel that is as close to the real tthing as possible. The simulator will allow up to half the conversion time to a multi-engine instrument rating, with more efficiency and greater attention to training in emergencies than can ever be possible in a real aircraft.