Aviation Coaching From Brookfield Aviation On AvPay

Aviation Coaching From Brookfield Aviation

Strengths Psychometric Report & Course. Helping airlines to identify what makes aviation personnel unique through their innate strengths & how to optimise these to achieve exceptional results & minimise performance risks. Maximise the impact with our cost-effective, self-led, online course that gives your people the opportunity to deep dive into their report to truly understand what energises them & learn how to bring their best to work every day.

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Our Partner
At HRP we help people discover what energises them at work so they can feel motivated & inspired to perform at their best. We love the positive psychology approach – this is about focusing on what you are good at & doing more of it rather than overly focusing on weaknesses. We truly believe adopting a strengths-based culture can transform your business & increase engagement for your most important & valuable asset – your people.

We are primarily a coaching & team development business who recognise that traditional 121 coaching is not always scalable & can often mean only those at the very top receive this crucial investment in their personal development. We created this online strengths course that combines with the Strengthscope® psychometric report so you can offer all your people the opportunity to increase their self-awareness, & self-confidence to reach their full potential.

What you can expect
Simple to implement & scale to large teams or even organisation wide
A British psychology society approved psychometric report that identifies an individual’s unique innate strengths
A self-led online course with insightful lessons that enable you to maximise the impact of the report learnings
Positive psychology throughout – helping people to optimise their strengths & perform at their best at work
6 hours of self-led lessons with interactive videos & high quality workbooks that give individuals a tangible, actionable process to maximise the use of their strengths & minimise their performance risks
A consistent & repeatable approach using universal language that ensures everyone is on the same page

Tested & registered with the British Psychological Society
Bringing energy & positive outcomes for people at work

People who know & use their strengths effectively experience the following benefits:
Higher levels of well-being
Higher levels of motivation
More effective problem solving
Improved relationships at work
High self-confidence
Greater career success
More effective collaboration
Higher levels of job satisfaction