Robinson Helicopter Camera, GPS, iPad, Phone, Tablet Screen Rib Mount RAM Adaptor Bracket

The 1” RAM ball allows for the attachment of standard arms to hold tablets, phones, screens, pads, cameras etc to the Robinson R22 R44 and R66 helicopters. They are counted as “pilot carry-on equipment”.

From £102

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Robinson Helicopter Camera, GPS, iPad, Phone, Tablet screen rib mount RAM adaptor bracket

They are made from carbon-fibre reinforced nylon with threaded inserts and M6 bolts. This gives a great combination of toughness, flexibility, stability in the sun and protection of the Robinson screen rib material and paintwork. The 1” RAM ball allows for the attachment of standard arms to hold tablets, phones, screens, pads, cameras etc. They are counted as “pilot carry-on equipment”.

To help complete your set-up, with every sale you can then have 15% off all your orders at Ram Mount UK.