The Jet Solidarity Empty Legs on AvPay

The Jet Solidarity Empty Legs

Do you dream of discovering business aviation at unbeatable prices? Did you know that many business jets travel empty in the sky? Indeed, when a customer books an aircraft for a mission, this aircraft often has to perform a set-up flight. As the plane is empty, it is possible to board this route for a very advantageous price.

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All that remains to be paid are the additional costs related to the use of the aircraft (passenger taxes, additional fuel costs, etc.). It is also possible to divert this flight to adapt it to the route you want realize. Obviously, each empty leg flight is subject to cancellation or modification until the last minute depending on the requests of the client who booked the mission the initial cause of the empty flight. And, if there is competition, the flight will be awarded to the highest bidder.

We can search for the empty leg flight of your choice & notify you as soon as an opportunity arises. Don’t hesitate to contact us Send a request by checking the box “Search for an empty leg flight”.

Of course, our solidarity offers apply for every empty leg flight. You can offset your CO2 emissions with our partner the GoodPlanet Foundation & help those in need with our partners the Caritas Foundation France, the Fondation Les Avions du Bonheur & Aviation Sans Frontières.