Rotoris Limited progress of housing development

Aerial Site Progress Reports

Drones are a versatile & efficient way to gather a large amount of data in a small amount of time. By frequently visiting our clients’ sites we’re able to show their project in its’ entirety through high resolution aerial imagery & footage, enabling senior management teams to keep up to date with how a project is progressing, to aid in planning & to highlight lagging areas of the development to increase productivity & efficiency.

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Boosting Project Efficiency
Through the use of our Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) & qualified drone pilots, we’re able to provide senior management teams, stakeholders & end clients with complete project oversight. The current alternative to this key oversight is the relaying of information via email & in-person visits by senior management. Whilst first person visits are essential, using drones allows for less frequent visits whilst still remaining up to date, allowing for man-power to be utilised more efficiently. With everyone aware of where a project is in it’s build stage in real-time, our clients are able to plan more effectively & minimise reactive rectifications throughout.

Essential Records of Previous Works
Frequent aerial site progress reports provides a clear time stamped record of what work had been carried out at a certain time. Should a contractor be leaving site once their work is complete, such as groundworkers, there is physical evidence of the work they produced & it’s location once covered & built upon. Enabling construction & house building organisations to refer back if needed without paying for a contractor to return to site.

Regular Online Marketing Material
In this social media & online era of marketing, regular engaging content is needed to keep your clients & potential clients up to date with your company’s work & accomplishments. Regular aerial stills & footage enables our clients to post engaging & eye-catching content capturing their projects entirely. In addition to the capturing of the footage itself, we offer our in-house editing services to enhance any captured footage & stills for posting online & can also provide time-lapse videos, allowing our clients to take their prospective customers through a journey of the projects build.