Market Intelligence From Uplifting Aviation On AvPay

Market Intelligence From Uplifting Aviation

In the context of the helicopter industry, market intelligence provides crucial insights on specific helicopter or engine models & serial numbers trading & operating within specific market segments.

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Market intelligence may be gathered for one or more of the following objectives:
Assessing, validating & securing investments in a helicopter portfolio;
Structuring, standardising & optimising a helicopter leasing business;
Analysing risks & opportunities attached to the purchase of new or preowned helicopter models in the specific markets & regions of the world where they are to be owned, leased & operated;
Confirming demand for the model across different market segments & regions of the world; or
Establishing present & forecasting future value for a specific helicopter in a given configuration.

Who is it for?
Market intelligence is a key prerequisite for any parties considering investment in the aviation market. Uplifting Aviation is best positioned to advise the following audiences:
Helicopter investors
Businesses considering investment in or expansion to the helicopter industry
Accounting, auditing, tax & advisory specialists
Banks owning helicopter portfolios
Helicopter Lessors
Helicopter manufacturers
Corporate buyers

Why Uplifting Aviation?
Uplifting Aviation runs the most powerful live databases in the industry; combined with our daily trading activities on the market, this enables us to provide an accurate & holistic view of any helicopter, for any mission, anywhere in the world.