What is a reserve parachute?

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Icarus Skydiving Gallery 4-minWhen it comes to skydiving, there are many products that are used to make the experience as safe as possible. One of these many products is the reserve parachute. The reserve parachute is used for every skydiving jump, including tandem jumps. Read more about the reserve parachute below:

What is it?

The reserve is the secondary parachute that is used in emergencies such as when the main parachute has not deployed correctly. The main parachute is designed to promote performance; however, there are times when this parachute may undergo certain problems, resulting in the release of the reserve parachute which is created as a reliable back-up parachute.

How does it work?

The initial parachute is released once the pilot chute deploys. This pilot chute releases the pin holding the main chute in place, allowing it to be deployed. In emergencies, the skydiver can deploy their reserve parachute through a series of actions. The first of these actions is to cut the main parachute by means of a release handle. After the main chute has been cut away, the reserve can either be released automatically by a cord called the reserve static line, or it will need to be released manually with a handle.

Why is it necessary?

The reason for the use of a reserve parachute is for the safety of the skydiver. While there is a chance you may never need the reserve, it is always helpful to have it in case of an emergency. The reserve parachute will always be packed by a qualified rigger to ensure it is packed according to the regulatory standard.

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