Drone Inspection Services in the Mining Industry

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Drone inspections in the mining industry

Inspection services are growing in this industry & with drones making a positive impact on the surveying & mapping side, what can they do in terms of inspection? Up until now, the mining industry has been flooded with mapping & surveying services conducted by UAV’s or drones. Although proving to being an effective tool, this industry can benefit from using drones in other ways.

In the extraction process, a fleet of machinery is responsible for the crushing & milling of minerals. Regular inspection & maintenance is needed to ensure continued operations as they are a vital component to revenue generation.

A drone that can capture high resolution videos & images is what is important in these inspection services. As an alternative to labour-intensive & dangerous activities where a team of professionals would use harnesses & scaffolding, a deployment of a drone from a remote location can achieve the same results, safer & faster. Companies have more control using the drone alternative for inspections through major cost savings & the near-elimination of shutdowns for mine audits. The addition of a thermal sensor allows for you to add more depth into the data delivered. The data is relevant to any equipment or infrastructure which undergoes routine inspection including:

Conveyor belt inspections: damage & needed repairs (thermal)

Inspecting structural integrity

Identifying equipment that is overheating

The data extracted from analysing the relationship of changing stockpile volumes & from inspecting machinery can show a defect or decrease in efficiency in any of the comminution & processing assets which allows for actions to be taken that will avoid a disruption in the continuation of activities.

Western Australia has been in the forefront in mining automation activities including inspection services. South Africa is not far behind by having teams like RocketMine fully joining surveying teams & assisting in mining activities.

RocketMine is always researching the latest technology in hardware & software to ensure that you, the client, receive the best service, at a fraction of the cost.


Article provided by Rocketmine. Check-out their profiles:

Australian Office: https://avpay.aero/company/rocketmine-australia/

Ghanaian Office: https://avpay.aero/company/rocketmine-ghana/

South African Office: https://avpay.aero/company/rocketmine/


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