There’s no short cuts to being an effective service provider

Home » News » Drone News » There’s no short cuts to being an effective service provider

The commercial drone industry in South Africa has grown exponentially in the last year. All businesses from mining to insurance are contacting drone operators around the country to receive the services they hear about in the media or witness for themselves.

This is great for operators, because it is rare when the client comes to you rather than you contacting the client. Industries are all eager to utilise drone technology to cut operational costs, & in the excitement of being technologically sufficient companies may be surpass checking for registered operators.

Without getting too deep into the consequences of operating with out a license, lets one from the operator’s point of view & one from the client’s.

If for any reason while in operation a drone injures someone or damages property, there could be huge financial implications & medical compensation due to the parties affected. How open will insurance companies be to claims against unlicensed operators?

The client’s reputation stands a high chance of being damaged because not all of the correct steps were taken to ensure that the service provider was legally compliant.

Here’s where RocketMine comes in.

It may have sounded like a short journey but becoming legally compliant by the terms set by the South African Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has been a challenging but equally rewarding process. RocketMine takes a lot of pride in the journey it has taken in the past year which is why we would like to educate clients & industries alike on the importance of using a licensed operator, even if it not us.

As the 1st & currently the only licensed commercial operator in the Mining industry of South Africa, we have to recommend giving us a try.


Article provided by Rocketmine. Check-out their profiles:

Australian Office:

Ghanaian Office:

South African Office:


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