Airbus H120 Helicopter For Charter in Sweden

The Airbus H120 is our light utility single-engine turbine helicopter. It has four leather passenger seats, and a baggage compartment. The Airbus H120 is well-known for its effective manoeuvrability and enhanced safety features.

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Estimated flight times from Bromma airport:
Oslo 2:40 h | Copenhagen 3:30 h | Båstad 2:40 h | Åre 3:30 h

External dimension
Length: 9,6 m
Height: 3,4m
Rotor diameter: 10,0 m

Internal dimensions
Cabin length: 2,26 m
Maximum headroom: 1,24 m
Maximum width: 1.68 m

Cruising speed: 200 km/h
Certified max. altitude: 6060 m
Maximum range: 710 km