Pilatus PC24 Jet Aircraft For Charter in Sweden

The Pilatus PC-24 is the world´s first and only Super Versatile Jet. It combines the practicality of a turboprop with the cabin size of a medium light jet and the performance of a light jet. The PC-24 is designed to operate from short paved and even unpaved surfaces, giving pilots access to almost 20,000 additional airports worldwide.

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Estimated flight times from Bromma airport:
Malaga (AGP) 4:30 h | Paris (LBG) 2:15 h | Berlin (TGL) 1:20 h

External Dimensions
Length: 16.80 m
Height: 5.30 m
Wing span: 17 m

Internal Dimensions
Cabin length: 7.01 m
Maximum headroom: 1.55 m
Maximum width: 1.69 m

Cruising speed: 815 km/h
Certified max. altitude: 13.716 m
Maximum range: 3.704 km