Flying Clubs & Schools

Flying Clubs & Schools Directory

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AvPay helps you find Flying Schools & Flying Clubs in the UK, Europe, USA, North America, Asia, Africa, Australia & South America.
Contact Flying Clubs & Schools directly through their business profile on AvPay to join, learn to fly or hire an aircraft.

Flying Clubs & Flying Schools

Showing 121–132 of 144 results

About Flying Schools & Flying Clubs

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Find Flying Clubs at airfields in your region, Book flying lessons, airplane and helicopter trial lessons, airplane and helicopter flying experiences, flying experiences, airplane and helicopter tours, book pleasure flights, purchase flight equipment, pay for aircraft fuel, book aircraft hangarage, hire aircraft headsets, pay landing fees, buy aviation charts, aircraft rental, helicopter rental, aircraft hire, helicopter hire, flight training, flying training, flight instructor hire, book pilot services, book flying tests and exams. Browse the AvPay Flying Club & School Directory to find-out more!

Thinking of learning to fly, but not sure which company, aircraft or location to go with? Browse a range of flying schools that offer trial lessons for airplanes, helicopters and more. Trial lessons make the ultimate gift experience! Find one near to you on AvPay.

Flying Clubs & Flying Schools Directory AvPay


Flying Clubs and Schools FAQ

A flying club is where a group of like-minded individuals interested in flying come together to access aircraft more affordably. 

There are many routes to achieving your PPL. With a minimum of 45 hours of flying time required you could achieve this in as little as 6 weeks on a fast-track residential course, or as long as 2 years if you chose to complete the syllabus around your own schedule. 
