Glider Training With Royal Verviers Aviation

Glider Training With Royal Verviers Aviation

The R.V.A. has been training glider pilots since its foundation in 1931 & adapts to new requirements in this area. As part of the Fédération des Clubs Francophones de vol à Voile (FCFVV), our flight school is recognized as an ATO (Approved Training Organisation) by the Federal Mobility Service, Directorate General of Air Transport (DGTA). This allows us to give training that will allow student pilots to take the theoretical & practical exams for the European glider pilot licence.

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Theoretical Training
Classes will take place face-to-face at the RVA clubhouse upon presentation of the health pass (students who are not able to present this pass can contact the instructor to set up a remote solution.) Courses will cover the following subjects: Regulations, Human Performance, Weather, Communications, Flight Principles, Operational Procedures, Flight Performance & Preparation, Aircraft Knowledge & Navigation.

At the end of the courses, a mock exam will be organized, after which students will be able to present the official exam at the DGTA (General Division of Air Traffic), a step necessary to obtain the gliding pilot license, for those who will follow the practical training in parallel with the theoretical training. Courses are free for RVA members.

After a few theoretical lessons, students who wish to begin their practical training will be introduced to the pool of instructors & will be able to take the air (& the controls) as soon as time permits. Additional costs are of course related to these flights, although the gliding instructors are all volunteers.

As for the manual & the summary of the regulations, you can easily obtain them by passing through our facilities. It will be an opportunity to get to know each other & for the more adventurous perhaps already begin to take the controls of a glider during a baptism. Remember that it is not necessary to wait for the next session of theoretical courses before starting the practical courses with a qualified instructor.

Practical Training. Mixed method (Motor Glider + Glider)
The student begins with a dozen half-hour flights in a motor glider with an instructor. This allows him to acquire the basic technique of flying a glider. The advantage of the motor glider is to be less dependent on weather conditions & to allow to repeat as many times as necessary certain evolutions without having to worry about the loss of altitude.

Then, the student flies in a two-seater glider, always with an instructor, to learn the technique of towed flight behind an aircraft. He also gets used to the small differences in riding between glider & motor glider. After an average of ten flights, he reached a sufficient degree of mastery for his instructor to decide to allow him to make his first flights alone on board, under his supervision. It will then be taken back from time to time in double command for control & will fly alone under the supervision & with the authorization of its instructor.

Medical fitness
In principle, if you are fit to drive a vehicle, you should be able to fly a glider. For the first flights with an instructor, you will not need to provide a medical certificate. (If you realize that flying is not what you believe & you do not continue, you will have saved the price of the medical visit!). However, we advise you to pass the medical examination without too much delay to avoid an unpleasant surprise. Indeed, under no circumstances will you be able to fly alone on board without a certificate. This must be issued by a licensed doctor. A list of these doctors is available on our website.

Glider Pilot Licence
Theses figures are the official minimums & it is obvious that safety, which will always be the main concern of instructors, will sometimes require them to exceed them The new European rules require flight training of at least fifteen hours. You will fly at least 10 hours in double command with an instructor & 2 hours alone on board under the control of your instructor. During these flights you must have completed at least 45 take-offs & landings & an introductory flight on the countryside. After fulfilling these conditions & passing your theory test, you will be able to take a flight test, the success of which will allow you to apply to the DGTA to issue you a European glider pilot licence.